Tools for Navigating Transitions in Your Family and Your Life
A blog for parents, families, and individuals going through life transitions
Unraveling the Ties: How Anxiety Contributes to Codependency
The term Codependency has become a dreaded word nobody wants to be tagged with. The truth is that almost all of us struggle with it in some way in at least one of the relationships we are involved in. Why does it have such a bad rap? Awareness can shed light on anxious tendencies that lead us to these kinds of behavior patterns, therefore giving us the ability to break the cycle. No one likes to admit that they might struggle with something, but the more aware we become, the less fear we will have when confronted with the terminology.
5 Tips to Manage Your Parental Anxiety
Parental anxiety can cause children to develop anxiety of their own. Before you start to negatively impact your children and your fears and worries become theirs, we want to help you learn ways to cope with your own anxiety and learn to navigate to a more relaxed state of being.
Questions to Ask a Prospective Anxiety Therapist in Birmingham, AL
If you are ready to find an anxiety therapist in Birmingham, Alabama, but are unsure what to ask potential therapists, we want to share some questions to help you along the way. Finding the right anxiety therapist is the first step in finding freedom from your anxious thoughts.
Finding an Anxiety Therapist in Birmingham, AL
If you find yourself worrying about things you can’t control, second-guessing yourself and your decisions, feeling afraid about the future, being unable to complete tasks, feeling overwhelmed, and becoming physically ill, we would like to help you find someone to talk to.