Tools for Navigating Transitions in Your Family and Your Life
A blog for parents, families, and individuals going through life transitions
Finding the Perfect Couples Counseling Intensive Therapist: Your Path to a Stronger Relationship
Are you and your partner seeking to enhance your relationship and foster a deeper connection? A couples counseling intensive located in Birmingham, AL might be just what you need. Together, let's discover the key steps to selecting a compassionate professional who understands your unique needs and supports your relationship goals.
Some of the most common issues driving couples to seek couples therapy with us at Sparrow Counseling in Birmingham, AL are problems with communication, trust, intimacy, loss, and life transitions. When relationships experience stressors like these, planning romantic, fun trysts can seem overly complicated and frustratingly fragile, leading to yet another night of sitting side by side, surfing your phones.
I’m Over It: How Unprocessed Grief Can Harm Your Relationships
At Sparrow Counseling in Birmingham, AL we know grief can unknowingly live in the body for years. It takes work to go back to those hard memories and allow us to mourn those losses. In relationships, our core memories and experiences define how we see things. Because of this, unprocessed grief can lead to repeating coping skills that have been present for a long time like how we communicate, how we behave, and how emotionally available we are with others.
5 Tips to Manage Your Parental Anxiety
Parental anxiety can cause children to develop anxiety of their own. Before you start to negatively impact your children and your fears and worries become theirs, we want to help you learn ways to cope with your own anxiety and learn to navigate to a more relaxed state of being.
Unprocessed Grief in Relationships: How Grief Counseling in Birmingham, AL Can Help
Unprocessed grief is when someone doesn't go through the important stages of grieving. Instead of acknowledging and accepting their emotions, they may try to ignore them or numb them in unhealthy ways. This can lead to a lot of problems in relationships. When someone doesn't process their grief, it can be difficult for them to communicate well. They may struggle to express their thoughts and feelings, which can lead to misunderstandings and conflict.
Questions to Ask a Prospective Anxiety Therapist in Birmingham, AL
If you are ready to find an anxiety therapist in Birmingham, Alabama, but are unsure what to ask potential therapists, we want to share some questions to help you along the way. Finding the right anxiety therapist is the first step in finding freedom from your anxious thoughts.
How to Find a Grief Counselor in Birmingham, AL
At Sparrow Counseling, we understand that dealing with grief and loss takes time. We know you need patience and support to sit with you while you process all of your feelings. We want to guide you through new ways of grieving to help you find your life again.
Finding an Anxiety Therapist in Birmingham, AL
If you find yourself worrying about things you can’t control, second-guessing yourself and your decisions, feeling afraid about the future, being unable to complete tasks, feeling overwhelmed, and becoming physically ill, we would like to help you find someone to talk to.